BHC-MSS 0256 Edwin Martin Collection of Circus PhotographsArchival collections are unique series of historic documents, be they photographs, handwritten letters, diaries, business records, or other material created or curated by a family, an individual, a corporation, or other body. They provide insight and information about the collection’s creator, and are kept for their enduring value. The Bridgeport History Center’s archival collections represent the lives of key individuals in the city of Bridgeport such as P.T. Barnum and Mayor Jasper McLevy, ordinary citizens, major companies like the Locomobile Company of America and Warner Brothers Corsets, and institutions such as churches and community organizations. The most effective means of searching the BHC’S archival collections is to view our EAD finding aids on the Connecticut Digital Archive. However, we also have PDFs available below, sorted into different categories. We also have a number of unprocessed archival materials.
P.T. Barnum and Circus History Collections
- MSS 0001 The P.T. Barnum Research Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0008 Papers of James McCaddon [PDF]
- MSS 0009 Skutel Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0010 Gordy Collection of Circus Photographs [PDF]
- MSS 0011 Schneider Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0012 Raymond Fletcher Collection of Ringling brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus Programs [PDF]
- MSS 0013 Circus Photographs taken by William Day [PDF]
- MSS 0015 Norwood Collection of Circus Photographs [PDF]
- MSS 0017 Records of the Barnum Museum During the Tenure of Elizabeth Seeley [PDF]
- MSS 0018 Papers of Elsie Beth Clark [PDF]
- MSS 0023 Microfilmed Circus Route Books Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0024 Circus Route Books Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0033 Papers of the Stratton Family [PDF]
- MSS 0034 Circus Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0093 Records of editor A.H. Saxon for the Autobiography of Mrs. Tom Thumb [PDF]
- MSS 0252 Advertisements for Barnum’s American Museum taken from New York newspapers [PDF]
- MSS 0257 Edwin Martin Collection of Circus Photographs [PDF]
Activism and Local Causes Collections
- MSS 0060 Records of DROWN [PDF]
- MSS 0068 Records of the League of Women Voters of Bridgeport [PDF]
- MSS 0077 Records of the Save the Merritt Association [PDF]
- MSS 0082 Black Lives Matter Collection [In progress]
- MSS 0084 Records of Equal Access Concerns for the Handicapped [PDF]
- MSS 0089 Papers of Edna M Richardson regarding preservation of the Harral-Wheeler house [PDF]
- MSS 0125 Records of Project OWN [PDF]
- MSS 0110 Digital Captures for Bridgeport Activist Organizations [PDF]
- MSS 0139 Records of Dorothea DeVault’s Participation in W.O.M.A.N. Inc. [PDF]
- MSS 0155 Newspaper Clipping Collection of Cesar Batalla [PDF]
- MSS 0181 Records of Save Remington Woods [PDF]
- MSS 0234 Records of Cesar Batalla et. al. v. Wheelabrator Environmental Systems, Bridgeport Resco et. al. [PDF]
- MSS 0240 Papers of Victor Muniec [PDF]
- MSS 0241 Papers of Judith Muniec [PDF]
- MSS 0245 Records of Bridgeport Generation Now [PDF]
- MSS 0146 Papers of Craig Kelly [PDF]
- MSS 0227 Records of Juneteenth of Fairfield County, Inc. [PDF]
Art, Entertainment, Culture, and Sports Collections
- MSS 0030 Records of Anne Brignolo Studio [PDF]
- MSS 0048 Bridgeport Theatre collection [PDF]
- MSS 0049 Photograph Collection of “Dad” the Poli’s Theatre Doorman [PDF]
- MSS 0116 Records of Park City Little League [PDF]
- MSS 0124 Papers of Katya and Bert Gilden [PDF]
- MSS 0137 Records of Bridgeport’s Great Historical Mural [PDF]
- MSS 0141 Austin W. Mather Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0145 Papers of Barry Goodkin on Bridgeport Theaters [PDF]
- MSS 0152 Papers of Don Almquist related to Black Rock: A Bicentennial Picture Book [PDF]
- MSS 0162 Select Records of the Klein Memorial Auditorium [PDF]
- MSS 0168 Papers of Michael V. Simko [PDF]
- MSS 0177 Papers of Peter Arnell [PDF]
- MSS 0190 Judith Muniec Collection of Records of the Bridgeport Commission on the Arts and Bridgeport Arts Council [PDF]
- MSS 0225 Papers of John Adam Hugo [PDF]
- MSS 0230 Papers of Lew Corbit Jr. [PDF]
- MSS 0232 Papers of Ernst Weber [PDF]
- MSS 0044 Records of the Friday Evening Book Club [PDF]
- MSS 0227 Records of Juneteenth of Fairfield County, Inc. [PDF]
Business, Industry, and Commerce Collections
- MSS 0003 Records of the Locomobile Company of America [PDF]
- MSS 0004 Andrew L. Riker and Riker Family Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0005 Records of the Locomobile Company of Blueprints [PDF]
- MSS 0020 Papers of Sam Burger of Columbia Records [PDF]
- MSS 0021 Records of Warner Corset Company [PDF]
- MSS 0028 Papers of A.L. Barber and S.T. Davis Jr. [PDF]
- MSS 0043 Records of the Warner Brothers Company 20 Year Club [PDF]
- MSS 0056 Select Records of Bryant Electric from Roy Wiley [PDF]
- MSS 0061 David E. Bullard Collection of Bullard Company Materials [PDF]
- MSS 0062 Records of Bullard Machine Tool Company [PDF]
- MSS 0071 Records of the US Customs House Fairfield district [PDF]
- MSS 0072 Records of the Sprague Meter Company [PDF]
- MSS 0080 Frederick Fleischer Collection of Bridgeport Business Bills and Receipts [PDF]
- MSS 0085 Papers of Louis H. Hertz [PDF]
- MSS 0086 Records of the AW Burritt Company [PDF]
- MSS 0090 Records of Millet Hicks and Heweitt Auto Body [PDF]
- MSS 0094 Records of Bridgeport Company Donations to Johnstown Flood Relief [PDF]
- MSS 0099 The Frisbie Pie Company and Frisbie Family Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0100 Records of Reads Department Stores [PDF]
- MSS 0167 A.H. Nilson Machine Company [PDF]
- MSS 0178 Records of the Connecticut Foreign Trade Association [PDF]
- MSS 0179 Records of the Huntington Telephone Company [PDF]
- MSS 0182 Papers of Henry A. House [PDF]
- MSS 0186 Lyman Thunfors Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0189 Select Records of Connecticut National Bank [PDF]
- MSS 0198 William T. Cole Jr. Collection of Remington Arms Company Material [PDF]
- MSS 0206 Select Records of the Bridgeport Area Chamber of Commerce [PDF]
- MSS 0220 Papers of Henry Sanford [PDF]
- MSS 0229 Papers of John Chernak [PDF]
- MSS 0236 Douglas BreVeglieri Collection of Locomobile Research [PDF]
- MSS 0242 Records of the Hatfield-Crabbe Manufacturing Company [PDF]
Civil War Collections
- MSS 0022 Papers of Captain Frederick Doten [PDF]
- MSS 0025 Papers of Private Willis McDonald [PDF]
- MSS 0035 Papers of William Warren [PDF]
- MSS 0036 Papers of Captain Edward E. Marsh [PDF]
- MSS 0037 Papers of William, Samuel, and Hiram Davis [PDF]
- MSS 0038 Records of Elias Howe Jr. Post #3 Grand Army of the Republic [PDF]
- MSS 0039 Papers of A. Beers [PDF]
- MSS 0041 Civil War Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0042 History of the 17th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry by William Warren [PDF]
- MSS 0063 Shadek Civil War Sketchbook [PDF]
- MSS 0075 Truman Parsons Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0248 Records of the Grand Army of the Republic and Women’s Relief Corps. Collection [PDF]
Clubs, Societies, and Socializing Collections
- MSS 0006 Records of the Bridgeport Scientific Society [PDF]
- MSS 0044 Records of the Friday Evening Book Club [PDF]
- MSS 0050 Records of the Contemporary Club [PDF]
- MSS 0095 Records of Mosaic Club [PDF]
- MSS 0096 Records of the Wednesday Afternoon Musical Club [PDF]
- MSS 0097 Records of the Fairfield County Historical Society [PDF]
- MSS 0098 Records of the Altrusa Club [PDF]
- MSS 0183 Records of the Bridgeport Historical Society Inc. [PDF]
- MSS 0237 Records of the Connecticut Audubon Society [PDF]
Education and Schools
- MSS 0065 Papers of Sadie and Brenda Kaplan [PDF]
- MSS 0073 Jim Reilly Collection of Central High School material [PDF]
- MSS 0188 Veronica Litrop Collection of Maplewood Junior High School Material [PDF]
- MSS 0208 Records of the Connecticut Froebel Normal School Alumnae [PDF]
- MSS 0210 Records of the Citizens Committee for the Study of Bridgeport Public Schools [PDF]
- MSS 0238 Records of the American Association of University Women [PDF]
Family and Personal Papers
- MSS 0007 Papers of Irving Moy [PDF]
- MSS 0016 Papers of the Mallet, Shelton, and Fairchild Families [PDF]
- MSS 0026 Papers of the Read Family [PDF]
- MSS 0027 Papers of John and Maggie Lathrop [PDF]
- MSS 0032 Papers of Rev. Samuel Orcutt [PDF]
- MSS 0051 Papers of Alyce Laurayne Farrar-James [PDF]
- MSS 0053 Films of Ira F. Warner and the Warner Family [PDF]
- MSS 0058 Papers of Edward A. Nevins [PDF]
- MSS 0059 Papers of the Gazzolo Family [PDF]
- MSS 0067 Papers of Vincent Leo Keating [PDF]
- MSS 0070 Films of Nicholas Pasquariello [PDF]
- MSS 0074 Mary Darlington Taylor Research Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0076 Norton Family collection [PDF]
- MSS 0083 Papers of Lillian C. Hudson [PDF]
- MSS 0120 Papers of Maude C. Warner [PDF]
- MSS 0129 Papers of Judge Samuel Mellitz [PDF]
- MSS 0130 Papers of Arthur Clifford [PDF]
- MSS 0134 Papers of Burr Knapp [PDF]
- MSS 0135 Papers of the Scanzillo family [PDF]
- MSS 0146 Papers of Craig Kelly [PDF]
- MSS 0148 Charles Marsh Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0150 Papers of the Naramore Family [PDF]
- MSS 0173 Papers of Lucille Viets [PDF]
- MSS 0174 Papers of James Staples [PDF]
- MSS 0175 Papers of Freida Mellitz Mendelsohn [PDF]
- MSS 0176 Papers of Anne Drew Hallock [PDF]
- MSS 0177 Papers of Peter Arnell [PDF]
- MSS 0185 Papers of Charles A. Wheeler [PDF]
- MSS 0187 Pankiwicz Family Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0194 Papers of Rufus P. Cushman [PDF]
- MSS 0197 Papers of William Boardman [PDF]
- MSS 0207 Papers of Benjamin Swan [PDF]
- MSS 0209 Papers of Rev. James Beach and the Beach Family [PDF]
- MSS 0212 Papers of the Schultz Family [PDF]
- MSS 0214 Papers of the Hewit Family [PDF]
- MSS 0215 Papers of Edward Speer Regarding Naval Research [PDF]
- MSS 0217 Papers of the Hitchcock and Emerson Families [PDF]
- MSS 0218 Papers of Clara Truman [PDF]
- MSS 0228 Papers of William Carlson [PDF]
- MSS 0233 Papers of Mary Ann Hornish [PDF]
- MSS 0128 Papers of the Reese Family [PDF]
- MSS 0253 Papers of the Burroughs Family [PDF]
- MSS 0159 Papers of Herman Steinkraus [PDF]
- MSS 0155 Newspaper Clipping Collection of Cesar Batalla [PDF]
- MSS 0254 Papers of the Garcia Family [PDF]
- MSS 0078 Joseph Caesar Cardozo Collection [PDF]
Labor History and Unions Collections
- MSS 0057 Papers of Josephine and Lloyd Willard [PDF]
- MSS 0066 Papers of Amy Heller for her thesis “The Perennial Nightmare”: anti-communism Inside and Outside the U.E. Local 203, Bridgeport, 1944-1950 [PDF]
- MSS 0104 Records of IATSE Local 277 [PDF]
- MSS 0105 Papers of Steven J. Hunyadi Regarding IBEW Local 488 [PDF]
- MSS 0106 Records of Brass Workers Federal Labor Union Local No. 24411 [PDF]
- MSS 0107 Records of the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 1426 [PDF]
- MSS 0108 Records of the United Steel Workers Local 7528 [PDF]
- MSS 0109 Records of the Bricklayers, Masons, and Plasterers Union Local No. 2 [PDF]
- MSS 0111 Records of the United Steelworkers of American Local 5623 [PDF]
- MSS 0112 Records of the Carpenter’s District Council [PDF]
- MSS 0113 Records of the Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers International Union, Locals 623, 320, 601, and 719[PDF]
- MSS 0114 Records of the Central Labor Union of Bridgeport, Conn.[PDF]
- MSS 0115 Labor Union Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0133 Papers of Louis J. Santoianni [PDF]
- MSS 0138 Records of the Works Progress Administration Projects Conducted by the Bridgeport Public Library [PDF]
- MSS 0171 Records of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Bridgeport Police Local 1159 [PDF]
- MSS 0191 Constantino Pietrini Collection of Longshoremen Union Material [PDF]
Maritime, Aeronautic, and Railroad Collections
- MSS 0047 Records of the U.S. Bureau of Lighthouses – Black Rock Lighthouse, Third District [PDF]
- MSS 0055 Gustav Whitehead Research Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0078 Joseph Caesar Cardozo Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0147 John D. Cooper Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0149 William Kolvig collection of Lake Torpedo Boat Company Material [PDF]
- MSS 0195 Papers of John O’Connell [PDF]
Nonprofit Social Service Organizations CollectionsBHC-MSS 0078 Joseph Caesar Cardozo Collection1
- MSS 0014 Records of Court Roma No. 13 (Bridgeport) Foresters of America [PDF]
- MSS 0031 Records of the Rotary Club of Bridgeport [PDF]
- MSS 0052 Records of Les Treize Inc. [PDF]
- MSS 0054 Records of We Are Artists Everyone Exhibition [PDF]
- MSS 0081 Records of the Burroughs Home [PDF]
- MSS 0102 Records of the Witness Project of Connecticut [PDF]
- MSS 0103 Records of the Sterling Home [PDF]
- MSS 0117 Records of the Bridgeport Ladies Charitable Society [PDF]
- MSS 0119 Records of the United Way of Eastern Fairfield County [PDF]
- MSS 0123 Records of the Young Women’s Christian Association of Greater Bridgeport [PDF]
- MSS 0132 Papers of Elaine Liberto on Model Cities and follow-up programs [PDF]
- MSS 0144 Records of the Urban Coalition of Greater Bridgeport Inc. [PDF]
- MSS 0156 Records of the School Volunteers Association [PDF]
- MSS 0172 Records of Women’s Auxiliary and the Mother’s Club of the YMCA of Greater Bridgeport [PDF]
- MSS 0180 Records of the Fairfield County Council of the International Reading Association [PDF]
- MSS 0200 Papers of Douglas Reid [PDF]
- MSS 0235 Records of the International Institute [PDF]
- MSS 0238 Records of the American Association of University Women [PDF]
- MSS 0239 Papers of H. Parker Lansdale III [PDF]
Religion Collections
- MSS 0019 Records of the First United Church of Christ Bridgeport [PDF]
- MSS 0040 Papers of Diana Lesser [PDF]
- MSS 0046 Papers of Ethan Ferris Bishop [PDF]
- MSS 0121 Records of Park Street Congregational Church [PDF]
- MSS 0136 Records of West End Congregational Church [PDF]
- MSS 0151 Records of Bridgeport Interfaith Alliance Inc. [PDF]
- MSS 0196 Papers of J.H. Mansfield related to the United Society of Christian Endeavor [PDF]
- MSS 0231 Papers of Rev. Charles William Simpson and Family [PDF]
Politics and Local Office Collections
- MSS 0002 Jasper McLevy Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0029 Jake Goldring Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0064 Papers of City Council Member Peter Spain [PDF]
- MSS 0070 Films of Nicholas Pasquariello [PDF]
- MSS 0087 Papers of Henry Elstein regarding Mayor Jasper McLevy [PDF]
- MSS 0091 Records of Charles B. Tisdale’s 1976 Congressional Campaign [PDF]
- MSS 0122 Connecticut Post Political Cartoons Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0140 Matthew Rogers Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0143 Papers of Roger W. Floyd [PDF]
- MSS 0153 Papers of Senator Ed Gomes [PDF]
- MSS 0160 Records of the Higher Education Center for Urban Studies (H.E.C.U.S.) [PDF]
- MSS 0199 Local and State Campaign Election Material [PDF]
- MSS 0205 Records of the Republican Action League [PDF]
- MSS 0213 Papers of Judge Sidney Dworkin [PDF]
- MSS 0216 Select Records of the Charter Revision Committee [PDF]
World War I and World War II Collections
- MSS 0163 World War II Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0164 World War II Bond Sales Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0165 Air Raid and Civil Defense Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0169 World War I Subject Files Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0221 Papers of Ella Fleck [Pending]
Other Topics
- MSS 0045 Records of the Bridgeport Centennial Incorporated [PDF]
- MSS 0069 Films of Frank Borres [PDF]
- MSS 0079 Collection of Bridgeport Fire Department Material [PDF]
- MSS 0092 Records of Tax Collection in Stratford, Connecticut [PDF]
- MSS 0154 Records of Park City Hospital [PDF]
- MSS 0166 Civil Defense Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0184 Joseph Balogh Collection of Hungarian and Hungarian-American Material [PDF]
- MSS 0192 Records of the Brooklawn Weekly News [PDF]
- MSS 0201 Maps and Blueprints of William W.B. Smith Real Estate [PDF]
- MSS 0226 Celebrate Bridgeport 150th Merchandise Collection [PDF]
- MSS 0237 Records of the Connecticut Audubon Society [PDF]
Unprocessed Archival Materials
The BHC holds a number of archival collections that are awaiting processing. Until processing is complete, we can provide brief collection overviews to help patrons determine if they would like to view the material. A list of these collections is forthcoming. Researchers with specific subject interests should consult the archivist for availability of relevant material.