Abraham Lima

When The Aztec Eagle Began Her Soar Over Bridgeport: Part 1

May 08, 2024

By Abraham Lima


The eagle eating a cactus perched on a snake was the symbol the god Huitlolopotchli gave to nomadic Nahuatl-speaking people as to where to build their new city. They found just that in the middle of Lake Texcoco and thus the city of Mexico-Tenochtitlan arose in the middle of the lake with artificial islands surrounding it.While the Aztec empire did not territorially incorporate all the land of modern Mexico, it is the Aztec eagle from the people that called themselves the Mexica (me-she-ka) that is the symbol of the nation state that adopted for itself the name of these Mexica, or as the Spanish called them, Indios Mexicanos, who gave the land the name, Mexico. (more…)

Business and Commerce, Ethnic History, Featured Article, Hispanic Populations and Culture, Labor, Neighborhoods

When the Aztec Eagle Began to Soar Over Bridgeport: Part 2 – The New Guys in NY

May 20, 2024

When the Aztec Eagle Began to Soar Over Bridgeport: Part 2 – The New Guys in NY

By Abraham Lima

This is Part 2 of a 5 Part Series at the Bridgeport History Center:


The tri-color flag of Mexico, the green red and white. In the middle stands an eagle on a cactus with a snake, the legacy of this eagle, the eagle the Aztecs saw in the middle of the lake with artificial islands they would build soon surrounding the spot. A sign of Huichilopochtli the war god. On it was built Mexico Tenochtitlán- or as we say today in English, Mexico City.

This eagle soars over 2,000 miles away, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, resides the largest Mexican population, both largest foreign born and Mexican descendant population, of any city in New England, ahead of Boston and New Haven.

  1. Part 1 “En El Principio, Los Mojados en USA” and “What are Tortillas?”
  2. Part 2 – “The New Guys in New York”
  3. Part 3 “Men of Maplewood”
  4. Part 4 – “Miles y Miles Mas (Thousands and Thousands More)”,
  5. Part 5 – “History of the Future” and “The Eagle Soars”

For Part 1 click below: https://bportlibrary.org/hc/hispanic-populations-and-culture/when-the-aztec-eagle-began-her-soar-over-bridgeport-part-1/

This segment, which contains chapter 2, while on the topic of Mexicans in Bridgeport, will cover with some detail the start of Mexican migration to the places in the region where many Mexicans in Greater Bridgeport had started off and the context of Bridgeport’s Mexicans within the region’s Mexican population. Little had been found on the city’s Mexicans who were in the city up until the late 1980s. Evidence of any amount of Mexicans was added here. By 1980, in the census, 175 people in Bridgeport were born in Mexico, but where they were from, what their names were, where they came first, and where they worked is very had to track.  A few were found in records. (more…)

Business and Commerce, Ethnic History, Hispanic Populations and Culture, Labor, Neighborhoods