The New Bridgeporters: Men of Maplewood and Growth of a Community

By Abraham Lima
This is Part 3 of a 5 Part Series at the Bridgeport History Center:
To read the previous articles, use the guide below to navigate.
- Part 1 “En El Principio, Los Mojados en USA” and “What are Tortillas?”
- Part 2 – “From Puebla York, Oaxakeepsie, and Mexchester”
The New Bridgeporters: Men of Maplewood and Growth of a Community (more…)
When The Aztec Eagle Began Her Soar Over Bridgeport: Part 1

By Abraham Lima
The eagle eating a cactus perched on a snake was the symbol the god Huitlolopotchli gave to nomadic Nahuatl-speaking people as to where to build their new city. They found just that in the middle of Lake Texcoco and thus the city of Mexico-Tenochtitlan arose in the middle of the lake with artificial islands surrounding it.While the Aztec empire did not territorially incorporate all the land of modern Mexico, it is the Aztec eagle from the people that called themselves the Mexica (me-she-ka) that is the symbol of the nation state that adopted for itself the name of these Mexica, or as the Spanish called them, Indios Mexicanos, who gave the land the name, Mexico. (more…)