
Black History Month at BPL
Every February, we celebrate Black History Month to recognize the contributions of African Americans to our history and culture. Throughout the month, please visit our library locations for book displays and exhibits celebrating Black History. Please join us at some or all of these events for the whole family:

Bridgeport Public Library is Fine Free!
Stop by at any of our locations to return overdue Bridgeport library materials and all late fines and fees will be removed from your account.

Free Notary Services at BPL
Did you know that we offer notary services free of charge?

The Williams Doll and Folk Toys Collection
Courtesy of North Branch Children’s Librarian Bina Williams

Mah Jongg!
Date: Tuesdays, Time: 12:30 – 2:45 – PM
Come play the beloved game of Mah Jongg at North Branch. We have the cards and the Mah Jongg sets. Never played? No problem–we will teach you how to play! It is very fun and lively! Learn your BCDs: Bams. Cracs. Dots. For more info, email
Note: Should we need to pause the program due to new surges in COVID, we will let you know.

Free resources for the Latino community / Recursos gratuitos para la comunidad latina
Pursue entrepreneurship and growth opportunities
Persigue tus sueños como emprendedor

Timeline of the History of Technology
The fast pace of technology is not lost on the staff of the North Branch of the Bridgeport Public Library.
Join us on a walk down technology’s memory lane… Read More… Free at All BPL Locations! helps kids learn to read through phonics, and teaches lessons in math, social studies, art, music, and much more! For kids ages 2 to 8. With 3,500+ interactive books, educational games, puzzles, and other learning activities,’s award-winning online curriculum is an invaluable resource for young learners. From Age of Learning, Inc. Use it for free on a Bridgeport Public Library computer!