
BookTok / BookTube Competition!

Thursday, May 19
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

You still have until May 30 to submit your TikToks & YouTube clips about books for chances to win a $50 Gamestop gift card. Winner selection will be held will be held on May 31. At this event, we will share advanced tips on making TikTok and YouTube clips. For more info, see our flyer.  Teens: 13-19. The event  will take place in the library and also on Zoom. ZOOM info: Meeting ID: 818 4793 6551; Password: BPLTeens.

Any questions? Call us the Teen Cafe at 203-576-7400 ext. 444. Did you know that the Teen Cafe at BPL (Main Library) is open 6 days a week?