Santa Gives Out His Loot
Santa Gives Out His Loot
Christmas 1938 was a tough year for America. The last years of the Depression were difficult ones for the citizens of Bridgeport, and especially the children. Standing in the Second Precinct (Corner of Arctic and Caroline Streets) Children eagerly waited for a visit from Santa Claus to the city. Jasper McLevy was on hand to greet Saint Nick, pictured in the front of the photo. Standing next to the Mayor was Superintendent of Police Charles E. Wheeler. The party was held by Troop 58, Bridgeport Boy Scouts. The Second Precinct Police Station held the party. On the back of the photograph is written a note: Santa Claus “Osag Kid,” reformed burgular. Whether this statement is true or not has not been verified in the newspaper of the time.
The Bridgeport Telegram of December 25, 1938, which printed a copy of the photo, only identified him as Santa Claus.