Digital Captures for Bridgeport Activist Organizations Collection
Explore one of BHC’s new collections of materials in all digital format.
The Digital Captures for Bridgeport Activist Organizations Collection is a pilot project for collecting digital materials and features interviews and digital media captured from the internet or digital files donated by three distinct activist organizations in Bridgeport: Justice for Jayson, an organization formed in response to a police shooting; Bridgeport Generation Now, a nonpartisan, grassroots social action network focused on civic action; and P.T. Partners, a group of residents of the P.T. Barnum low income housing complex that organizes for self-determination and against racism and oppression. Both the collection guide and digitized materials are made available on the Web through the generous support of Western Connecticut State University (WCSU) and its Haas Library and Archive.
For all digitized items and finding aid: click here.
For digital content only: click here.
This project was made possible through funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission and administered by the Connecticut State Library on behalf of the Connecticut State Historical Records Advisory Board and Conservation ConneCTion.