Monday, March 31, 2025
HC Events, HC New Acquisitions, HC News

New and open for research: the Records of the Warner Brothers Company!

The Bridgeport History Center is thrilled to announce that after a year long processing project, the Records of the Warner Brothers Company – originally the Warner Corset Company, and later known as Warnaco – is fully open and available for research.

Taking up an astounding 475 boxes, these records cover the undergarment company’s history from the 1870s to 1975.   It features extensive advertising material that focuses on the evolution of women’s undergarments, along with behind-the-scenes business documents, fabric samples, and more.

Historians of fashion, Connecticut industries, and Bridgeport itself are sure to find something relevant to their research.  Material can be requested for a viewing appointment now.   The finding aid is available here.

Please be aware that image requests for the Records of the Warner Brothers Company may not be fulfilled due to the large amount of oversize material present.  Thank you!