Rules of Conduct have been established to maintain an atmosphere that promotes the use and enjoyment of library resources, protects the safety of the general public, the library staff, and the equipment and materials of the library, and creates an atmosphere that is welcoming and comfortable for all. The library requires everyone to follow these Rules of Conduct. Failure to follow these Rules may result in temporary or permanent suspension of library privileges and may include immediate expulsion from the library. (these rules apply to all library buildings and premises indoors and out.) Rules of Conduct PDF
- Patrons shall be engaged in activities associated with the use of a public library while in the building. Patrons not engaged in reading, studying, or using library resources and services properly may be asked to leave the premises.
- Parents and caregivers are responsible for the behavior, safety, and supervision of their children at all times. According to state statute, children under the age of twelve are expected to be properly supervised by parent or caregiver. (CGS Sec. 53-21a)
- Threatening, harassing, or intimidating language or behavior toward patrons and/or staff will result in immediate expulsion from the Library and possible legal action. This includes physical, sexual or verbal abuse, and/or other forms of harassment in accordance with the City of Bridgeport’s Anti-Bullying Policy.
- Blocking the entryways, vestibules, or staircases is prohibited. Disruptive groups congregating inside or outside the Library will be required to disperse.
- Making noise, talking loudly or using electronic equipment in a manner which disturbs others or interferes with library service is not allowed in the Library. The Library, except in designated areas, is a quiet zone.
- Food and beverages are not allowed in the Library, except at designated times and in designated areas.
- Patrons must be fully clothed (tops, bottoms and footwear) while in the Library. All patrons entering the Library are expected to have good personal hygiene.
- Items carried into the Library must be stored out of pathways. Backpacks and personal belongings must be kept under tables and chairs. Skateboards and roller skates may be carried into the Library; however, they may not be used in the Library. Bicycles may not be stored in the Library.
- No person may carry, open or concealed, or otherwise possess, a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument as defined in CGS Sec. 53a-3, in or on the grounds of the Library.
- The Library is not responsible for items left unattended. Unattended items may be disposed of at the Library’s discretion.
- Those who steal, damage, or deface library materials or property will be prosecuted (Bridgeport Municipal Code, Chapter 2.112.010). Parents are liable for damage done by a child under the age of eighteen.
- Improper use of the Library’s restrooms is not allowed.
- Soliciting, petitioning, distributing written materials to patrons and staff for donations or for the purpose of obtaining signatures without permission of the Library Administration is not permitted on library property.
- No animals are allowed in the Library except those needed to assist disabled persons according to ADA laws or with the permission of the City Librarian.
- Sleeping is not allowed in the Library.