
BPL Creature Features

This month we will be spotlighting the various pets that live at home with our staff (and to provide you with cute animals!)
To begin, meet Vis, the cat belonging to one of our archivists! Vis is a highly vocal, friendly cat and she wants you to acknowledge her at all times.


Malala – Small but Mighty

Malala was found by a member of our staff, along with several siblings. She now lives with our assistant city librarian and our Bridgeport History Center archivists – and is just as mighty as she was as a kitten! (Just much bigger!)


Chocolate lab Lucky likes to play catch with and beg food off of librarian Adam Cleri and his family.
Meet Saphena, who lives with a member of Burroughs-Saden’s circulation staff. She definitely has a unique personality, and is lovely and friendly.