
Free Notary Services at BPL

Did you know that we offer notary services free of charge?

The Bridgeport Public Library offers Notary Services to our library patrons free of charge at five of our locations. We suggest that you call ahead to the library to be sure that a Notary is on duty at the specific time that you plan to use the service. Please note: Beardsley Branch does not currently offer this service.

What does a notary do?

Library Notaries witness document signing or signing a sworn statement on a document. They verify, by their signature and seal, that you are who you say you are.


For Notary Services to be performed, you must provide two forms of identification;  a picture ID as well as another current form of identification containing your signature.  Acceptable forms of ID include a valid Connecticut driver’s license, passport or a credit card with a signature. Birth certificates and Social Security cards are not acceptable ID.

The person requiring Notary Services must be sure the document is completely filled out, leaving no blanks except where the signature is required. The library will only notarize documents written in English. The Notary must be able to communicate in English directly with the signer. If witnesses are required, please bring them with you.

Please contact one of our library locations to schedule an appointment: Burroughs-Saden Main Library 203-576-7400 ext. 402; Beardsley Branch 203-332-0025; Black Rock Branch: 203-576-7025; East Side Branch: 203-576-7634; Newfield Branch: 203-576-7828; North Branch: 203-576-8113.