Online Sources with BPL card:
Historic Map Works
Plat maps with details of lot apportionment and street details for cities across the United States Maps with details on buildings prepared for the insurance industry
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps – In-house
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps – Remote
Maps with details on buildings prepared for the insurance industry
Maps at BHC
The Bridgeport History Center owns physical maps, digitized maps, and microfilmed maps, and holds a subscription to the Historic Map Works and Sanborn Fire Maps databases [see above]. Within our map collection are five major categories. Click here for a partial inventory.
Bridgeport maps relate to various aspects of the city of Bridgeport, with most of the maps dating from 1870 to the 1990s. Within these maps are the Price and Lee maps of the city that were published every year, water and harbor maps, maps that relate to zoning and land use, and Bridgeport historic districts, among others.
Fairfield county maps cover other cities within Fairfield County and the county itself. While not a definitive collection, they are useful for understanding the relationship between Bridgeport and the rest of the county.
Connecticut state maps are not numerous within the Bridgeport History Center, but they provide insight into how the state has changed over the years.
New England maps and other maps relate to various parts of the New England region and the greater United States.
Please note: we are currently reviewing our map collections and are working to make a new listing available. Please check back!