Friday, March 14, 2025

Barnum Festival, 1949, pt. 4, by Vincent Frazzetta, Sr.

Film segment opens with a demonstration of a Remington electric shaver then a Bridgeport Brass Company booth at the Bridgeport Progress Exposition sponsored by the Bridgeport Chamber of Commerce. A dairy booth with live cows is featured next. A shot of Long Island Sound and the roller coaster at Pleasure Beach and the bridge to the beach follow. The camera then pans to the Pleasure Beach Bridge and follows the shoreline along the East End, over the East Side peninsula with its enormous industrial facilities, and across to downtown Bridgeport and back down toward Seaside Park.

Next comes a ticket booth for the Progress Exposition and with a man demonstrating products. The film is very dark at this point. The Institute of Life Insurance booth and a Remington Rand sign then Bryant Electric appear. A Savings Bank advertisement then a refrigerator and oven demonstration along with an early television by Kirby follow. Goldbond fireproofing, Pontiac, Chilco Appliance, Center, and some type of machinery are visible, although the film is quite dark at this point. The outside of a ballroom with neon signs and then a washing machine can be seen. Safety grater demonstration, hearing test, tv with boxing match.

HC Librarian
Bridgeport History Center