Wednesday, February 05, 2025

MIB: Albert Bender and the Men in Black

Thursday, March 8
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Michael Bielawa will lecture on Bridgeport’s Albert Bender and his interest in flying saucers.  The worldwide fascination regarding a possible Alien visit/presence in the form of Men In Black or MIB first occurred right here in Bridgeport! There is much more to the story concerning local resident Albert Bender and his famous attempt to contact “Flying Saucer” occupants.
Come to the History Center for what is sure to be an exciting and provocative lecture.

Thursday, March 8th, 6:30-7:30 PM 

BPL Librarian Michael J. Bielawa is one of the History Center’s “Grassroots Historians” and has written a comprehensive article on Albert Bender and his experiences. Click here to read it!