City Government and Civil Service

Beardsley Zoo Poem

Beardsley Zoo Poem

Gray pigeons and squirrels trouble a leafless suburban street,chattering past gas stations and forgotten hopes, while gray people slouch in gloveless poverty, grime-spattered jalopies clattering through colorless slop.   But some children remember that on the pine hill, hidden from the gray houses live yellow monkeys, screaming cosmic glee amidst make-believe jungles, that down the street live ...

The Progressive Bridgeport Fire Department

The Progressive Bridgeport Fire Department

By Rob Novak The Progressive Bridgeport Fire Department of 1912 One hundred years ago, the Bridgeport Fire Department was in a state of transition. Under the leadership of Fire Chief Edward Mooney, the department shed the last of its “call men” in December 1911, completing the process ...

February 14, 2012