Bridgeport at Work

Bridgeport Working:Voices of the 20th Century

Bridgeport Working:Voices of the 20th Century The Bridgeport History Center created a website documenting the lives of the people who worked in Bridgeport, Connecticut in the 20th century.  Help us celebrate the lives of the people who worked here to make Bridgeport one of the instrumental labor cities in the Northeast. Click ...

March 09, 2012
Bridgeport’s Rosie the Riveter

Bridgeport’s Rosie the Riveter

Marge Schneider should be an inspiration to young women today. During World War II, Marge Schneider lived with her family on Barnum Avenue near Central. With the flurry of war around her, Marge took a job at the Bridgeport Brass Company on Grand Street. Marge ...

January 27, 2014