Beardsley Zoo Poem

Beardsley Zoo Poem

Gray pigeons and squirrels trouble a leafless suburban street,chattering past gas stations and forgotten hopes, while gray people slouch in gloveless poverty, grime-spattered jalopies clattering through colorless slop.   But some children remember that on the pine hill, hidden from the gray houses live yellow monkeys, screaming cosmic glee amidst make-believe jungles, that down the street live ...

P.T. Barnum:  The Later Years

P.T. Barnum: The Later Years

As a senior citizen, P.T. Barnum was a man who never stopped working.  He never really retired and he never took it easy. Barnum always found something new to work on.  His life in Bridgeport offered a busy schedule--traveling with the circus, serving with the State Legislature, ...

February 23, 2014