
Morningstar Investment Reasearch Center – Free 30 Day Trial

MIRC_Headerlogo_2011Morningstar Investment Reasearch Center

We are considering purchasing the Morningstar Investment Reasearch Center for free use at all BPL locations. However, before we make that decision we would like to know if you, our patrons, would find this database a useful tool. With that in mind we are asking you to take a look at Morningstar and let us know what you think. This free trial period will last until mid April.

To access the Morningstar Investment Reasearch Center:

Click here and  then enter: Username: bridgeport & Password: library – both in lower case.

Afterward, please email us at: and let us know what you think.*

* If you do not have Micrsoft Windows email just copy and paste into your own email.

Thank you for taking the time to help the BPL provide the best and most up to date services.